What Will A Dermatologist Do For Hives?

If you notice any mild hives, you should not have to worry. They will likely go away in a few days. Hives can be identified as a common skin condition that is more likely to appear as red bumps. Not only that, but it can be itchy and painful, too. However, there is not always an apparent reason why hives occur– they could be due to the skin’s response to an allergen, an infection, or physical activity. 

If you want to know more about hives, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, we are here to give you comprehensive knowledge on the same. After having a detailed session on hives with Dr. K.C. Nischal and Dr. Urmila Nischal, a team of the best Dermatologist in Vijayanagar at Nirmal Skin & Hair Clinic we have come up with this post. So, let’s start by understanding the term hives in more detail! 

What Are Hives?

Hives can be an allergic response to something in your environment or something you ate. But this is only sometimes the case. Some conditions can also occur due to an underlying health issue. Better known as urticaria, hives are itchy, raised welts found on the skin. They appear to be red, pink, or flesh-colored on lighter skin, and they might be flesh-colored, slightly darker, or darker than your skin tone on brown or black skin. 

Sometimes, these hives sting or hurt. But in most cases, hives are caused by an allergic reaction to a medication or food, or they can also be a reaction to an irritant in the environment.

In most cases, hives are a temporary problem that can be treated with allergy medications. Most of the time, rashes go away on their own, too. However, chronic cases and hives resulting from a severe allergic reaction are identified as significant medical concerns. 

Causes of Hives 

If you are allergic to a substance, your body releases histamine and other chemicals into your blood. Due to this, you can experience swelling, itching, and other symptoms. Getting hives is common, people with other allergies, such as hay fever, often get diagnosed with hives. 

Moreover, Angioedema is a swelling of the deeper tissue that sometimes occurs with hives. Just like hives, Angioedema can happen to any part of the body. The symptoms can be severe, like airway blockage, when they occur around the mouth or throat. The substances that can trigger hives include: 

  • Insect bites
  • Medicines
  • Pollen
  • Animal dander, 
  • Fish, nuts, shellfish, eggs, milk, and other foods

Though the exact cause of hives is still unknown, they can also occur due to 

  • Emotional stress
  • Exercise 
  • Exposure to water 
  • Excessive perspiration 
  • Illnesses such as lupus, other autoimmune diseases, and leukemia
  • Infections such as mononucleosis 
  • Extreme cold or sun exposure 

Symptoms of Hives 

Symptoms of hives may include: 

  • Itching 
  • Swelling on the skin’s surface into red or skin-colored welts with defined edges. 
  • Welts may get bigger, spread, and combine to develop more significant flat, raised skin areas. 
  • Welts may often change shape, disappear, and reappear within minutes or hours, as it is unusual to last more than 48 hours. 
  • Dermatographism (caused by pressure on the skin, resulting in immediate hives in the area that have been pressed on or scratched).

Who Is At Risk Of Getting Hives?

People who are prone to allergies are more likely to get hives. You may also be at risk of developing hives if taking medicines or unknowingly exposed to what you may be allergic to, such as food or pollen. You may also be at risk of getting hives if you are already ill with an infection or have a critical health condition; in that case, you may be more vulnerable to developing hives. 

Types of Hives 

Types of hives can include: 

  • Anaphylaxis
  • Chronic hives
  • Dermatographism
  • Temperature-induced hives 
  • Infection-induced hives 


When diagnosing hives, your doctor will examine your symptoms and skin. As in chronic hives, the welts come and go at random. You may also be asked to keep a diary to keep track of: 

  • What you eat and drink 
  • Your day-to-day activities 
  • Any medications, herbal remedies, or supplements that you take 
  • Whether your hives are returning with painful swelling 
  • Where these hives appear, how long it takes a welt to fade, and whether it leaves behind a bruise or other mark. 

In some cases, you may also need blood tests to detect the cause of your symptoms. An accurate diagnosis conducted by your doctor will help to guide you about the treatment options. For further clarification, your doctor might take a skin sample (biopsy) to examine under a microscope. 

Is There Any Temporary Relief For The Mild Cases Of Hives 

In mild cases of hives, when it is not related to any allergies or other health conditions, you can find temporary relief by: 

  • Avoiding irritating the area 
  • Avoiding hot water 
  • Going for a cool or lukewarm bath with colloidal oatmeal or baking soda 
  • Taking antihistamines 

Medical Treatment For Hives 

Most of the time, hives go on their own, but when they do not, they should be treated medically. The available medical treatments for hives are: 

  • Allergy medications as prescribed by your dermatologist 
  • Allergy shots 
  • Oral steroids 
  • Epinephrine Injections 

How Can You Prevent Hives?

Once you know your triggers with the help of your dermatologist, you may want to: 

  • Reduce exposure to airborne allergens 
  • Avoid extreme changes in the temperature 
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes 
  • Relax and take a break when you are stressed 
  • Switch to detergents or soaps without scents or dyes 
  • Avoid eating papaya, citrus fruits, tomato, nuts, strawberries, pineapple, and chocolate.

When Should You Connect With A Dermatologist? 

You should consult your dermatologist in the case of the following: 

  • Swollen lips or face
  • Severe itching that troubles your sleep cycle 
  • Infected-looking bumps (red, swollen, or pus-filled)
  • Swelling or hives that last more than a week 
  • Recovering hives 
  • Signs of anaphylaxis, such as shortness of breath, wheezing or vomiting.


Hives can be extremely itchy and uncomfortable. Though most of the time, hives go away on their own. However, when they become severe and become a risk to your health, then it is best to connect with the best Skin Doctor in Bangalore or your nearby location. Your skin is a delicate part of your body, and no risk can be taken.

You can consult Dr. K.C. Nischal and Dr. Urmila Nischal at Nirmal Skin & Hair Clinic. They are the top dermatologists in Bangalore, helping patients to resolve their skin and hair issues. Their extensive expertise of successful treatments will help you start your new journey with healthier skin. To book your appointment, visit Nirmal Skin & Hair Clinic today. 

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